O on tanssitaiteen, musiikkiesityksen ja
valoinstallaation välimaastoon sijoittuva tuntematon kokonaistaideteos.
Työryhmän taiteellisen työskentelyn ytimessä on keskittymisen löytyminen ja sen
herpaantuminen sekä tilallisuuden ja ajattomuuden kokemus esiintyjien ja
yleisön välisessä suhteessa.
Työryhmän muodostavat tanssitaiteilijat Diina Bukareva, Maija Ikonen ja Noora Nenonen sekä muusikot Jantso Jokelin, Antero Mentu ja Anssi Solismaa.
Demoesitys perjantaina 25.11.2016 klo 19,
Liikelaituri, Yliopistonkatu 58 D, Tampere
m a i j a i k o n e n
tanssia / / dance / / kirjoituksia tanssista / / writings on dance
Tulossa pian! Upcoming projects!
Parts of Life
VAPAAkollektiivi / FREEcollective and guest artists:
Parts of Life is a new exiting co-Nordic contemporary dance piece and audience development project currently in process. It is created in Reykjavik, Helsinki and Stockholm. The guest choreographer of the project is Disa Krosness and other wonderful guest artists involved are composer-musician Úlfur Eldjárn, light designer Jenni Pystynen and costume designer Susanna Suurla.
The premiere of the full evening piece titled Parts of Life takes place 25th January 2017 at Kanneltalo, Eastern Helsinki Cultural Center.
The project focuses on the body as an entity of emotional and social wisdom. The core of the Parts of Life project lies in movement research and improvisation practice led by Krosness. The artistic theme of the project deals with social structures and ways of communicating emotions in different situations and communities. The project has three main focuses: Childhood, Relationships and Work. The theme Childhood focuses on playfulness and learning, the theme Relationships focuses on love and hate and the theme Work focuses on work identity and unemployment. These three subjects are the very base of the project; how we move, how we work and how we meet the spectator.
Parts of Life aims to bring its spectator on an emotional roller coaster ride; through sorrow and shame, happiness and love, furiousness and loneliness. How does it feel to be a human?
In todays world a lot of things are explained, intellectualized and served. In this project we look for intuitive connections between people. The audience development has its focus in the exchange of experience and knowledge between artists and non-artists; people of different ages, backgrounds and professions.The work includes for ex. field trips to various work environments.
The long scale aim of the project is in finding new brave ways as artists to work in the society and to exchange with non-artists and experts of various fields in order to broaden our perspectives. We aim to come up with sustainable fresh ideas and models for ground breaking collaboration!
liike ja runo, runo ja liike, liikeruno, runoliike, movement and poem, poem and movement, movementpoem, poemmovement
Mitä tanssiruno voi olla? Dance & poem - what can it be?
Minkälaista tanssirunoutta haluaisit lukea? What kind of dance poetry you'd like to read?
Minkälaista tanssirunoutta haluaisit tanssia? What kind of dance poetry you'd like to dance?
Mitä tanssiruno voi olla? Dance & poem - what can it be?
Minkälaista tanssirunoutta haluaisit lukea? What kind of dance poetry you'd like to read?
Minkälaista tanssirunoutta haluaisit tanssia? What kind of dance poetry you'd like to dance?
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